
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BIG News!!

First of all...I commit to being a little more regular in my posting...I can't believe that it's been since July!

OK....Now for the BIG news.....

We're having a BABY!

That's right! Baby Davis should make his/her appearance around April 18!

I had my 12 week doctor's appointment yesterday, and we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Wow. Very cool :) At first I heard my own and then just a few seconds later there was one much much faster! It kinda sounded like a little washing machine :)

Telling B

This was a little less exciting than I always thought it would be...Basically I tested very early, saw nothing and threw it away. I just happened to glance at it again after I brushed my teeth and saw a VERY faint line...So telling B went something like this "Come here! Is this is a line?" ...Both of us squinting at it under a light...."B, I think this is a line!" Haha...he wasn't entirely too convinced and wanted to go to sleep! Of course there was no way that I could sleep! I kept waking up to look at it again to be sure that I hadn't dreamed it! Sure enough the next morning the line on a new test was a little darker! I took a digital the next day and.....

Telling Mom

I waited for a week since I had a trip planned home anyways. I made little onesies for my Mom and brother that said "Fancy loves me" and "I like Mike" I had already told my bff, so she met me at my mom's house to take pictures. I told my mom that I had a "prize" for her and gave her a little pink bag to unrap. When she saw it, she said, "Oh Heather, this is cute" but it didn't sink in for another second or two. Then the crying started! She also wanted to call EVERYONE she knew to tell them that she was going to be a "Fancy/Grandmommy"

M was less impressed with his package...haha...but what can you expect from a 21 year old?!

Telling My Students

This was by far the funniest "telling" experience. I think many of them suspected it anyways because I had been talking with another pregnant teacher at my school so much, and I'm sure they overheard. But after taking a day off for our sonogram, I came back to school. In my third period, a girl asked if I went to the doctor yesterday, I told her that I did. She asked what the doctor I'm pretty sure she knew! I told the class that he said I was having a baby! They were all very excited!

One girl said, "I knew it!! That's why you was so sick and nasty looking yesterday!" Ahh...really? I didn't know I looked that bad! Another said, "I knew it too. Every time my mom is pregnant she's really crabby!" So apparently I started the school year "sick, nasty looking, and crabby". Lovely.

The boys were pretty interested too...more than I thought 16/17 year olds would be. They wanted to know how many "weeks" I was...haha. Another one said, "Mrs. Davis, I know like not right now, but later, when the baby gets bigger, can I talk to it?" Uhhhh. Absolutely not.

Anyways, they're all still excited. The like to ask me about names and what I'm hoping for. So funny :)

I'll be more regular in my posting as we have quite a lot to share these days!

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