We had company this weekend!! It is so rare when someone makes the long drive up to our house in northwest Alabama, so we were so excited when my cousin Caroline and her new fiance, Jonathan, came to visit us.
Caroline and Jonathan took
engagement pictures with
Ann Wade Parrish (also my wedding photographer!) in Birmingham on Friday afternoon. I met them at the park in Birmingham as they were finishing up with AWP. After they were done, we drove to my house. The puppies (ours) and Caroline's boxer (Ruby) and terrier (Will) all got along fairly well. Tonka has turned into a bit of a grump since we don't get to the B'ham dog park for him to practice his manners :) And I think Will might have gotten swatted a time or two by our kitty. Overall, everything went great with the puppies.
We had dinner at the little Mexican place here...poor Jonathan planned on getting a giant margerita before I reminded him that our county is dry. Groan. Caroline and I stayed up all night talking wedding plans (theirs is in October) and the boys watched a Netflix that I had been boycotting...
A History of Violence...no thank you.
Saturday, we all poked around the different shops around town and then ate some yummy bbq. Caroline and I went to the grocery to buy stuff for dinner and my yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. We spent the afternoon baking and playing the Wii :) Lots of fun. After a nap on a rainy afternoon, we grilled steaks and had a very yummy dinner. Good wine and good company :)
Today, B and I went to Birmingham to get my birthday present!! New Deck Furniture!! I'm so excited! B is sitting in the bedroom (why the bedroom?) now putting the stuff together :) Can't wait to post pictures!